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Click the LOGIN button below to securely transfer files and documents.

If you do not have login credentials, please contact Donohoo Accounting Services at [email protected]. Donohoo Accounting Services must send you an initial setup email to access this secure file transfer system.

1. Click the LOGIN button on this web page. You will be directly linked to our secure file transfer system.
2. When the next window appears, please enter the last four digits of the SSN or EIN, or PIN issued by sender.
3. Click the Documents to Preparer link under the My Folder section.
4. In the right window, click the Upload link.
5. Click the Select button to search for the file you would like to upload.
6. The file should display under the button. Click the Upload button.
7. The file will display in the right window. You have the opportunity at this time to rename or delete the file if necessary.
8. Your preparer will be notified that a file is ready for downloading from you.

If you have any questions, please contact your tax preparer.

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