Using a business credit card can help small business owners easily track and record their monthly business expenses. Business credit cards also offer convenience to business owners and their employees by providing a cash-free means of paying for everyday expenses including making online purchases. However, having so many credit card options available to small businesses, how can you know which ones make the most sense to use? And which provide the most benefits without racking up lots of fees? To help you narrow down the choices, we’ve selected the five best small business credit cards that are worthy of your consideration.
Chase Ink Business Preferred VISA
Especially if travel is an essential part of carrying out your business, then the Chase Ink Business Preferred VISA just may be the credit card for you. This card offers 80,000 bonus points after making purchases totaling $5,000 or more in the first three months. Points are worth 25 percent more when redeemed for travel through Chase’s Ultimate Rewards program. The annual membership fee is $95.
CapitalOne Spark Cash for Business
For businesses that have a high volume of monthly expenditures, the CapitalOne Spark Cash for Business card’s unlimited 2 percent cash back rewards may pay big dividends. For new cardmembers, you’ll earn a one-time cash bonus of $500 when you make $4,500 in purchases in the first three months. The $95 annual membership fee is also waived in the first year.
American Express SimplyCash Plus Business
If keeping your monthly credit card balance low is a priority, consider the American Express SimplyCash Plus Business card for your small business. This card’s cash back rewards can be applied to your card balance in the form of a statement credit. Additional benefits include a 0 percent introductory APR for your first 9 months and a $0 annual membership fee.
Bank of America Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard
Another favorite credit card among small business owners who travel is the Bank of America Business Advantage Travel Rewards World Mastercard. Cardholders earn unlimited 1.5 points for every dollar spent and 3 points per $1 spent on travel arrangements booked through BoA’s Travel Center. Other incentives include 0 percent introductory APR for the first 9 billing cycles, no annual membership fee and no fees on international transactions.
Costco Anywhere Visa Business Card by Citi
Business owners who purchase their supplies in bulk or buy inventory items for resale from Costco may prefer the Costco Anywhere Visa Business Card by Citi. Cardholders earn cash back rewards of 1 to 4 percent (based on purchase types) that can be redeemed for merchandise — or as cash back — at any U.S. Costco warehouse. There are no foreign transaction fees on purchases and no annual membership fee with a paid Costco membership.
Contact Cincinnati’s most trusted small business accountant, Donohoo Accounting Services, by calling 513-528-3982 or email us today. For more than 20 years, we have helped small business owners like you wisely manage their business finances. And don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for our latest updates!
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