Classic American poet and author Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that we should seek to imitate people better than ourselves. Since we all have areas in which we can improve, that’s not bad advice, especially if we seek to imitate successful people. In fact, researchers have found that successful people have certain routines or habits they carry out daily that help to make them successful. Check out these six habits to see which ones you’re already doing and which ones you might seek to imitate!
Schedule, Don’t List
When you have something specific to accomplish, such as returning a call, writing it down is a good idea. However, putting it on a to-do list is not as helpful as you think. The better choice of successful people is to schedule that return phone call on your calendar for a specific time and date. Then, it won’t be brushed to the wayside in favor of something else. It becomes a commitment.
Plan Your Communications
How often throughout the day do you check your email or social media accounts? If you’re like most people, you check or reply each time you hear a ding or a buzz. The problem is, those interruptions keep you from finishing what’s most important. The habit of successful people is to have a particular time to read and respond to communications, such as in the morning or before bed.
Let Go of Control
Many people who’ve worked just about any kind of job have encountered micro-managers: those who not only give an assignment but also provide specific instructions on how to do the job and then supervise — and slow down — your work. Micro-management leads to wasted time and energy. However, giving up control over details will free you to go on to the next thing with vim and vigor. That’s why successful people don’t micro-manage.
Deal With It
When a document comes to you for your signature or for your review, taking care of it at the moment saves you future time. That’s why successful people have the habit of dealing with important things right away. They know that time is a commodity that can’t be replaced, so they create time in the future by dealing with the key items first.
Do It Again
Successful people have routines, especially related to how they start their day. Why? Because when you know what to expect, you’re free of anxiety, which is a time-waster. Also, having a morning routine sets you up for success by eliminating anything that would throw you off course and give you an excuse for getting up on the wrong side of the bed.
Keep Your Values
Among the many activities and events that successful people plan, they don’t forget their values or what’s most important to them. That’s why successful people plan according to their values, making what’s most important the highest priority each day.
What’s most important to you? If it’s being successful, you can count on the experts at Donohoo Accounting to support your success. We’ll keep your personal and business finances on track just as we have for other successful people during the past 20 years. Call us today for a free consultation at 513-528-3982.
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