The thought of retirement may seem like a long way off. On the other hand, if you’re close to retirement age, you may be wondering if you’ll have enough savings to live comfortably. The good news is that your living expenses in retirement are estimated to be 55 to to 80 percent of what they are before retiring. However, managing your money wisely in retirement will still require a budget. You can begin to outline what your retirement budget will look like by considering these seven important costs of living.
Even among retirees who down-size from single-family homes to condominiums, housing expenses will require about 25 percent of your retirement budget. Besides mortgage or rent payments, consider that you will also have property taxes, homeowners’ insurance, association (HOA) fees and private mortgage insurance (PMI) if required.
Healthcare and Insurance
The saying goes that for the first half of our lives, we spend our health to make money; and the second half of our lives we spend our money to get our health back. Consider that about 15 percent of your retirement funds will go toward health insurance premiums and healthcare costs because even those who live healthy lifestyles find they need healthcare and health insurance in retirement.
Although you may not plan to travel the world, you are likely to travel in retirement, even if just for an occasional change of scenery. Bus tours, airfare, hotel accommodations and meals out may account for about 5 percent (or $5,000 of every $100,000) of your retirement living budget.
Spending on entertainment will account for another 5 percent of your retirement budget. This may seem like a low dollar amount (about $200 per month) but remember that seniors often are eligible for discounts or free entertainment perks that they didn’t get before retirement. So, $200 a month per person should go a long way for entertainment.
Emergencies and Repairs
We don’t like to plan for them, but emergencies and repairs tend to occur at least a few times a year. Appliance replacement, automobile repairs or a leaky roof may suddenly become a priority that requires cash. Have it on-hand in retirement by budgeting at least 5 percent for emergencies and repairs.
In order to leave behind sufficient resources to your spouse, children, grandchildren or to a charity, you will need to budget for about 15 percent of your retirement income. Using the 15 percent figure, for every $100,000 you plan to leave as a legacy, you need to have about $675,000 in retirement savings.
While some states may be more tax-friendly for retirees than other states, paying taxes in retirement is inevitable. You may be required to pay taxes on retirement income such as Social Security benefits, IRA and 401k withdrawals, interest income, annuities and pension income. Some states also collect annual taxes on cars and boats. If federal, state and local taxes aren’t withheld from your retirement income sources, making quarterly tax payments may be necessary.
Could you use some assistance mapping out your retirement savings plan? An excellent resource is an experienced accountant like those at Donohoo Accounting Services. Schedule your retirement savings consultation with Donohoo by calling 513-528-3982 or email us today. And don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for our latest updates!
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