The people who worry the most about money are … most people. Whether you have a lot, a little or you’re somewhere in between, concerns often linger about such money issues as having enough income for retirement, being able to cover emergency expenses, staying afloat following a job loss and making.
Classic American poet and author Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that we should seek to imitate people better than ourselves. Since we all have areas in which we can improve, that’s not bad advice, especially if we seek to imitate successful people. In fact, researchers have found that successful people have.
While hard work accomplishes much, it’s not the primary key to success in business. On the other hand, applying smart management practices tends to sustain businesses over the long run. Because these seven smart management practices have helped lead to success for other entrepreneurs, see if they will do the same.
If you haven’t already begun saving for your spring or summer vacation this year, you have two choices: 1) Declare it’s too late to save and wait until next year, or 2) Make a plan and make it happen! To get started saving right away, follow these three tips that will.
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