As tax season approaches, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the most on your return. If you think you’re paying too much on your taxes it may be because you may not be taking advantage of the available tax credits and deductions. Because your taxes are based on your taxable.
Some forms of taxable business income now have a lower rate, thanks to a new deduction for qualified business income (QBI). If you like the thought of paying tax on 20 percent less of certain kinds of business income, be sure to follow these five tips: Qualifying Income Only individuals and.
Getting ready to file your 2019 personal income taxes can be a daunting task of collecting information. But don’t worry, the pros at Donohoo Accounting Services are here to help! The information required to file your income taxes neatly falls into four categories: Your personal information, dependents’ information, income sources and.
When it comes to end-of-year giving, it’s a time to be generous within your means, and also a way to reduce your tax burden. But where to donate? There are plenty of great non-profits in Greater Cincinnati, and here are a few of our favorites. Dress For Success The Cincinnati Chapter.
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