The personal credit cards of today are not your father’s credit cards. By far, 21st-century personal credit cards tend to offer a variety of benefits to consumers that provide convenience and discounts not offered by paying cash or even with the use of a debit card. And while personal credit card offers abound – online and in your mailbox – five of the best personal credit cards are outlined for you here.
Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Credit Card
While this credit card’s TV commercials and marketing tagline are popular, some features that make it popular among consumers include unlimited 1.5 percent cash back on every purchase made, no annual fee, and a one-time $150 cash bonus when you accrue $500 in purchases during your first three months as a cardholder. Additionally, the 0 percent introductory APR for 15 months applies to both your account balance and balance transfers.
Wells Fargo Propel American Express Card
If you’re a person about town, you can rack up triple points (to earn discounts or “miles”) when you eat out, use rideshares and transit, buy gas and use eligible streaming services. All other purchases earn 1 point per dollar. Additional advantages include 30,000 bonus points upon making $3,000 in purchases within three months, 0 percent introductory APR for 12 months, cell phone protection and no annual fee.
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card
To satisfy the traveler in you, the Chase Sapphire Preferred Card gives you double points/miles on travel purchases such as airfare, hotels, dining and transportation; all other purchases earn one point per dollar. When you make $4,000 in purchases within the first three months, you’ll earn 60,000 bonus points. No fees on foreign transactions. The annual membership fee is $95.
Discover it Cash Back
For those who prefer getting cash back on their purchases, the Discover it Cash Back credit card offers up to 5 percent cash back on purchases made at grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants and You’ll also tally 1 percent cash back on all other purchases. As an added bonus, Discover will match all the cash back you earn at the end of your first year as a cardholder – with no limit. That’s free money! You can also transfer balances at the introductory APR of 0 percent for 14 months. This card has no annual fee.
Citi Double Cash Card
The Citi Double Cash Card offers a unique way of rewarding you not only for using the card for purchases but also for making your monthly payments. You can earn 2 percent cash back on all purchases: that’s 1 percent when you buy and another 1 percent when you pay. There are no expense categories to track, no caps on cash back and no annual fee. The introductory balance transfer APR of 0 percent is good for 18 months.
For more than 20 years, Cincinnati’s most trusted accountants, Donohoo Accounting Services, has helped individuals like you wisely manage their personal finances. Contact us by calling 513-528-3982 or email us today. And don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for our latest updates!
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